Event photographer in Ottawa/Gatineau area

Would you prefer photos or a video for your event?
I'm here to assist you
For birthdays, exhibitions, happy hours, Christmas parties, and more, I'm fully prepared to capture your event. With dedication, I'll strive to craft vibrant and unique photos, immortalizing the significant and memorable moments of your occasion.
How does it work?
For every event, I schedule an appointment with you a few days beforehand to collect all the necessary details for organizing your event in the best possible manner.
During this consultation, I'll inquire about the type of service you desire—photos, a video, or both. Factors such as the quantity of photos, the length of the video, and the duration of the event are crucial aspects to consider.
Nicolas Chevallier Photography is the professional photographer you can rely on to capture and encapsulate the magical moments of your event.
Events Videos

They trusted me